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Booking schedules are now open for the new term.

Written feedback writing consultations resume January 20, 2025.

In-person writing consultations resume January 27, 2025.

Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication

The CWSC offers two types of (25-minute) writing consultations for undergraduate and graduate students at UBC Vancouver.

Written Feedback Consultation: upload a document and receive feedback via written comments in the document.

In-Person Consultation: upload a document and receive feedback via a one-to-one conversation in-person in IKBLC, Research Commons, Sauder, and Woodward Library.

Visit our website for more information about what a writing consultation is and how to book.

Please note the following CWSC policies:

  • Students must have only one WCOnline account.
  • Students must book no more than one writing consultation per day, and two writing consultations per week.

Student Code of Conduct: Students must adhere to the UBC Student Code of Conduct with particular focus on section 4.2.6 False Information and Identification: No student shall knowingly furnish false information to any person or office acting on behalf of the University, or forge, alter or misuse any University document, record or instrument of identification, or knowingly furnish false information to any person regarding their standing, status, or academic record at the University.

Confidentiality Policy: Consultations are confidential and will be managed in accordance with BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. UBC collects and uses this information under authority of section 26(a) of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (BC FIPPA). It is related directly to and needed by the University for services provided by the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the CWSC via cwsc.info@ubc.ca.